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发布者: 发布时间:2024-04-26 浏览次数:10 一、考核时间:2024年6月8日-2024年6月17日,具体时间另行通知 二、考核要求 1、五官端正、肤色健康、身材匀称、形象气质佳; 2、身高体重要求:女性:身高165-175cm,男性:身高175-185cm; 3、语言要求:普通话标准,具有较强口头表达能力,性格开朗,善于与人沟通, 具备一定外语水平; 4、测试要求:考生先做一个简短的自我介绍,然后开始背诵抽到的中英文广播词(仪容仪表20、服务礼仪20、普通话30、英语口语30) 附件:广播词 1、登机广播 女士们、先生们 中国南方航空欢迎您,当您进入客舱后,请留意行李架边缘的座位号码对号入座。客舱行李架内以及座椅下方均可以安放手提行李,请注意保持过道及紧急出口通畅,如果有需要帮助的旅客,我们很乐意协助您,南方航空愿伴您度过一个温馨愉快的空中之旅。谢谢! Ladies and Gentlemen: Welcome aboard China Southern Airlines.Your seat number is indicated on the edge of the overhead bin. Please put your carry-on luggage in the overhead bin or under the seat in front of you. For the convenience of others, please keep the aisle and emergency exit unobstructed.If you need help, we will be happy to help You, Southern Airlines is willing to accompany you through a warm and pleasant air trip. Thank you! 2、欢迎词广播 女士们、先生们: 欢迎和感谢您乘坐中国南方航空CZ3116航班前往广州,飞行时间为2小时50分钟。 我们十分高兴与南航明珠会员再次见面。本次航班的机长李先生,乘务长李女士及同全体机组成员,向您致以最诚挚的问候。 现在,客舱乘务员进行起飞前的安全确认。请您将安全带系好,调直座椅靠背、收起小桌板,将遮光板保持在打开状态。为了保证飞行安全,请您确认手机和各种电子设备,包括具有飞行模式的电子设备都已处于关闭状态。如果您携带了锂电池移动电源,我们特别提醒您:在飞行过程中请确保它始终处于关闭状态。严禁使用锂电池移动电源为电子设备充电。 本次航班全程禁烟,敬请有吸烟习惯的旅客谅解!祝您旅途愉快!谢谢! Ladies and Gentlemen: Welcome aboard China Southern Airlines, Our flight CZ3116 is from Beijing to Guangzhou. The flying time will be 2:50. It is our great pleasure to greet our Sky Pearl Club frequent fliers again.Captain Mr. Li, Chief Purser Ms. Li and the entire cabin crew are pleased to have you onboard with us. Please fasten your seatbelts, stow your tray table, and adjust your seat back to the upright positon. Please help us by opening the sunshades.To ensure the flight safety, please make sure that your mobile phones and other electronic devices, including those with flight mode, are powered off. We recommend you do not charge the electronic devices with the lithium mobile power and ensure the lithium mobile power is turned off throughout the flight. Your understanding and cooperation will be highly appreciated.This is a non-smoking flight. Please do not smoke onboard.We hope you enjoy the flight.Thank you! best365网页版登录交通工程意系 2024年4月26日 | ||